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What is an IPMS type of show? What does IPMS stand for? Thanks *NM*
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What is an IPMS type of show? What does IPMS stand for? Thanks *NM*
International Plastic Modellers Society info on Wikipedia *LINK*
Generally military models, army,navy & airforce models which are fine except those IPMS guys have trouble understanding the style of building that encompasses our "civilian vehicles" prepared to be looked down upon. *NM*
Not all are stiff necked. Andy. I've been to a number of IPMS sponsored shows and had a great time showing some civilian stuff. *NM*
Charlie,yep,fair comment,I just have had problems getting any support for separate civilian auto classes at a couple of IPMS shows, was even told that they had "vehicle" classes when in fact they were expecting only military vehicles & judges were supplied from military
It helps to have some model car builders judge the Automotive classes, I do, but some contests, the modelcar builders entered, don't WANT to judge
As a rule, I try to avoid anything that has PMS right there in it's name.😁 *NM*
Marty, how do you do that? Do you take VISA? *NM*
I've been to a couple of IPMS shows and they're worth going to just to see the talent these modelers have. Something different to look at than we're used to. *NM*