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I don't go to that many outdoor shows anymore. Too many "used cars" to plow through to see anything decent *NM*
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I'm not that young, but I have very limited patience for parking a car and sitting in a lawn chair
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Ever notice that there aren't many young'uns hanging around car shows? Wonder why? Maybe the only things that work are their thumbs! *NM*
I was at a local car show this past weekend, it was run in conjunction with a “family days” event, so, lots of kids there but few came to look at the cars, one group of three boys, maybe 12-14 , came toward me and my car, im thinking oh maybe they want look at it…one
Younger car folks tend to gather at their own events. *PIC*
I'm not that young, but I have very limited patience for parking a car and sitting in a lawn chair
LOL. Happens with many hobbies. *NM*
Car shows do not have the draw FOR ME they once did......CHANGE to only constant! *NM*
After I had my stoke in 1998 I've had no interest..Even sold my classic 64 Fury rag..Just lost interest..Now don't have mojo for models either but still check all my modelling sites frequently.. *NM*
Back in the middle of the last century, the car hobby centered around the brass era. Few would have expected we'd be considering the cars in the parking lots at those events to be worthy of collecting today. The hobby must keep evolving. *NM*
One automotive writer in the '80s quoted another automotive writer who said, back in the '60s,that NO ONE in the future would be interested in collecting any car built after...1966!
I vaguely remember reading that article, in which it was stated that nobody would ever want to bother restoring one of the “new” muscle cars (of the 1960s). *NM*
I think that was Ken Purdy, who was one of the first modern 'scholars' of the automobile
I don't go to that many outdoor shows anymore. Too many "used cars" to plow through to see anything decent *NM*
Another good point. Too much new stuff. *NM*
The younger folk like the newer stuff. *NM*
Which is fine. *NM*
^THIS^ The young guns around here don't do "shows" in the conventional sense. They have "meets", organized at the drop of a hat through social media, where they arrange to gather at one location and drive to another (much like the original concept of what rod runs once were)
DING! DING!! DING!!! You hit the nail on the head, Marty! *NM*
Around here if the cops even get a whif of something like this happening, they stop it before it can get organized. Too many times these things turn into street, or even town, "takeovers". Street racing, drifting, blocking roads have become problems. Almost everything now
Styles and taste change and Marty nailed it. I show up to car cruises in my 57 Chevy pickup that is trapped in the 70s vibe
You can add EV's to that list. I recall the whole "Ricer" think of 20+ years ago, driven by the American Muscle crowd. Nowadays there's a constant barrage of sneering memes on social media probably posted by the same American Muscle crowd.
Interests change. When I was a young'un I'm sure that there were comments about the lack of interest in coin collector shows, stamp shows, fixing up old radios...
Have to admit you're right. Remember when Radio Shack sold radio kits you could build? Even silver solder is a rarity now days. (You have to go looking for it) *NM*
I think that's a lot of it. We can point our fingers at ourselves all day, i.e. it's 'our' fault that young people aren't into our cars... but in reality, times have changed, cars have changed, and not as many people are into them as a hobby nowadays.
Very well stated and true..My grand kids or my kids who are now between 45 and 50 had NO interest in my 64 Fury convertible..Kids now a days are into technic stuff or sports as my grand kids are..Now with my grand kids it hockey,hockey baseball and football..Times change... *NM*
Does this mean we are ancient history?? *NM*
In a way I guess it does..Times change and time marches on.. *NM*
I think there still are people working on electronics, either fixing up old devices or making new ones. *NM*
On YouTube there are young people repairing model trains, completely disassembling, cleaning, soldering etc. so I'm wary of making generalizations regarding generations. *NM*
Great point. The generational thing is nonsense. It seems that “boomers” are called out online more than any other generation, yet the demographic is made up of individuals, just like all other demographics. It’s silly but online, especially, it’s a thing. *NM*
The local cars and coffee draws a very large crowd of people of all ages
I see younger folk, and women as well at shows in my area, immigrants as well. It seems to me hobbyists have been complaining about the graying of the hobby for a decade or more. *NM*