I think some of the hesitation expressed is due to others we know (or knew) who had only a passing interest in operator safety, and what would happen if their lax procedures resulted in real harms.
(Just cos you can afford the materials does not mean you can afford to take short cuts, with your equipment or your health.)
While I'm much more oriented to a replica stock look that really does not favor deep and obvious clears, there are other projects in the queue that would look great, or last longer (slots, etc) with a proper 2K finish. A link to the MSDS sheet would help too.
Thus, an article here or in the new Auto Modeler that showed the RIGHT way to use the 2K would be VERY helpful and clear up (NPI) misconceptions about what would be a potential game changer for many builders.
Maybe there is already a good explanation somewhere - a link would be helpful, too.