It began one day in 2013, when Officer Paul K (then, along with Car 54 of the Colfax Iowa police force) were distributing postcards for the upcoming River to River Cross Iowa Trip, when we saw this 64 Thunderbolt cross our path.
By the time we had caught up with the owner, he was underway, so we followed him and tried to track him down to chat with him. Unfortunately, the horn didn't work on trusty old car 64, so we ended up putting on the red beacon light. He didn't notice, but half the Iowa State Fairgrounds, and his daughter following us in her truck did.
H was pretty surprised, when he finally pulled to a stop at the campgrounds, and finding a 1964 Ford police cruiser behind him, but after he gave us each an exhilarating ride in the 'Bolt, he accommodated us in a fun photo session. But first we had to set up n honorary US 6.......
LOL, imagine that!
Is this where our hero pays for the exhilarating rides?
All's well that ends well. We thank Bob for joining in our shenanigans. Hope you enjoyed the memory.