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Sooooo...all those guys running alongside...did they think they could outrun the car ????? *NM*
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Straight Line Friday......
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Straight Line Friday......
How, that makes me want to build some dragster models!! *NM*
White ONES? : ) *NM*
That Re-Entry T/F is way cool! Don't think I've ever seen it before. *NM*
Yeah, I've been infatuated with that car since first seeing that pic years ago.... Unfortunately, I seem to recall also seeing another pic of it wadded up into a big ball of scrap aluminum as well. *NM*
It barrel rolled somewhere, may have been Indy. *NM*
Tommy Ivo said all of those early streamlined dragsters (including his) were all wrong, they were trying to force a teardrop shape down the strip backwards *NM*
That IVO PIC gets me every time. Cool stuff, CD. *NM*
Sooooo...all those guys running alongside...did they think they could outrun the car ????? *NM*
Re-Entry....... *NM* *LINK*
Interesting.... Then the picture above must have been taken at the '66 World Series.... Strange that Dad didn't snap any photos of it.... He must have been too fascinated with Garlits' Dart Roadster.... He took several shots of that car. *NM* *PIC*
Re: Interesting.... Then the picture above must have been taken at the '66 World Series.... Strange that Dad didn't snap any photos of it.... He must have been too fascinated with Garlits' Dart Roadster.... He took several shots of that car. *LINK*
The Chevy guys last stand. Bucher was very competitive *NM*
He briefly held half of the Top Fuel national record before falling ill. An early version of the Larry Dixon (Real Don Steele) car pictured was also Chevy powered, and cracked the fives! *NM*
While not pictured here, Rance McDaniels Valley Fever car was another Chevy powered Top Fueler that ran well, and was quite good looking too. *NM*
Ahh, can smell them from here. Thanks. *NM*
Cool pics CD, I enjoy the background cars and push trucks too! *NM*