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That's a beauty, nicely done, whichever clear you used, it looks fantastic. *NM*
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On the bench. 48 Ford. *PIC*
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On the bench. 48 Ford. *PIC*
Really like the paint job! *NM*
LOL. Thanks. I'm not at liberty to discuss my paint jobs on this board. However thank youn for the compliment. The paint is Vallejo duck egg blue. *NM*
How are you not at Liberty to discuss your paint jobs? *NM*
It’s probably because he uses 2k from the looks of the shine on it and there was a lot of flappy flap on here about using it considering the health effects even with proper protection. *NM*
It was a whole thing last week, pretty sure it was a tongue in cheek comment. *NM*
Paint looks great ! Does Vallejo paint require the same PPE as the automotive paint discussed previously? For those of us not in the body shop business, some info would be appreciated from those in the know. IMHO, your knowledge is too valuable to hold back.
The Vallejo paint is the base. It's such great paint to work with, I love it. It's an acrylic so it's quite safe. As for the clearcoat, it's 2k. Some love it, some consider it to be too dangerous to use. Again, I love it. It is however not good to breathe in. *NM*
Thanks!! Appreciate the info! *NM*
This appears to be a "self-imposed" censure. Most unfortunate... *NM*
I just don't want to be used as the "bad example" again. That made me question why I would even share my builds in this group. I however decided to ignore that little event and rise above. *NM*
I'm glad you rose above the fray... I have to tell you, I REALLY like that roll bar. BTW, Cliff Read exclusively uses 2K finishes on his masterpieces. *NM*
That's your perception, steve-o, and it's not an accurate one. It's a case of incomplete information--most of us don't know the mechanics of 2K clear, that's all. *NM*
Some folks--myself included-- assumed it works just like hobby paints. That was our perception--you had nothing to do with it, friend. *NM*
I'm sure you can understand why I would feel singled out, as my name was mentioned more than once as a reference point. My perception is what it is. All good brother. I'll keep displaying the results of 2K and everyone who wants to use it should educate themselves.
I can understand it completely--and sympathize. I've been ostracized--and trolled--more than once here. *NM*
Radical idea: Will someone who successfully and safely uses 2K post a tutorial?
Short answer. There isn't one. 2K is nasty dangerous stuff and while it looks wonderful on models, it requires all the gear....booth (with a strong fan), good booth filter, gloves.... for me its totally not worth it. *NM*
The risk far outweighs the reward for me too. *NM*
I thought that way for a long time,
Right answer Len. *NM*
So, Len, your telling us you capture 100% of the overspray and get it vented outside via your booth? And leaving your mask on for 10 min. accommodates that? *NM*
A properly vented booth, and a good exhaust fan with clean filters every time.
Uh, you pretty much just listed the answer to his question. Air evacuation, respirator, fresh air if evacuation isn't possible. The same thing I'm sure you all do when spraying lacquers.
No one's attacking you, Steve. Yes, I do those things, but 2K dictates ramping it up exponentially, I think. *NM*
That's fine. I started this whole thing, and I'm finished with it. Onward to the next subject. *NM*
Years ago, like 45yrs ago my brother used the new urethane paints on the 1:1 51 Chev he was building, the instructions said it was cyanide based in some fashion & that the proper gear had to be used, AFAIK the 2K paints are basically the same, using the proper equipment
This is from a British firm and talks about what is needed in a professional paint environment when using 2k products… *LINK*
Folks, read this and then decide if it's worth it to you. *NM*
The most important sentences in this document are ones that anyone considering 2K paints should read....and is my most important concern about their use unless using proper equipment (including a mask with a fresh air supply (see inside))...thx
Due to a bad allergy to superglue, which is also an isocyanate , you won't even find me in a building where they use either producct. And obviosly I'll never use either product. *NM*
Re: I'm sure you can understand why I would feel singled out, as my name was mentioned more than once as a reference point. My perception is what it is. All good brother. I'll keep displaying the results of 2K and everyone who wants to use it should educate themselves.
FWIW, offers a 2K clear in a spray. *NM*
If it's in a spray can, it's either 1K or a "one shot" deal (activate it, then you have to use it within a set amount of time) *NM*
That's a beauty, nicely done, whichever clear you used, it looks fantastic. *NM*