Spotlight Hobbies

If it is anything like the old one... it will be fun. But, plan to take your time squaring up parts, adjusting fits, etc.

Like all the heavy truck kits of the era, getting one done requires patience and a lot of fitting up.

"Tidewater Trucker" did a great article in CM about scratch building a proper Holmes wrecker unit. Well beyond my 12 year old skills when I was knocking these out!

Today, it would be a very good idea to invest in some of the small steel machinist blocks to get the chassis square, that is really the toughest bit in the kit. If you have a taste for it, opening the doors is pretty easy to do, and it is also possible to do a steerable front end with a little bit of fabrication.

Plus the interwebs have endless scrolls of reference pics that were unheard of in 1973.

Go for it!

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