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Bet you'd like to have that truck, huh Marty? I sure would. Where was the Hooters girl's whip? *NM*
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A few photos from a cruise night that I briefly dropped in on while running errands the other evening.... Hooter Whips & Wings Cruise, in Rockford, IL.... *PIC*
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A few photos from a cruise night that I briefly dropped in on while running errands the other evening.... Hooter Whips & Wings Cruise, in Rockford, IL.... *PIC*
Bet you'd like to have that truck, huh Marty? I sure would. Where was the Hooters girl's whip? *NM*
I've never seen a Hooters girl with a whip. The North Texas Mustang Club now holds its "monthly" cruise/show at the Hooters in Grand Prarie, and the girls there don't have whips. *LINK*
"Whips" is a (now somewhat dated) urban slang term for flashy cars.... I'm hoping y'all already knew that though. *NM*
Never heard that term before in my life. Thanks for cluing us in. *NM*
Well my mind was sure in the gutter! LOL!!! *NM*
OK, but no Whip cars. A few tastfeully modified late model Chargers, but nothing that "meets the definition" of a whip. *NM*
I always thought it was "Work In Progress". *NM*
I like the 56 wagon, the Model A Tudor is unusual, 28/29 body witha 30/31 grille shell, don't think I've seen that before. *NM*
Where are the car PICS?? *NM*
#7 Hooters NASCAR
I see what you're doing... To add to it antenna hole sits empty. *NM*