Spotlight Hobbies

Sci-Fi has no issues with age in the hobby... it's really the subject matter after all

Look at which groups are getting all the new tooling dollars - no one is saying that "Sci-Fi is aging out."

It's pretty safe to say that any big innovations in the hobby will be driven by that group - I could easily see a "R2 3D" catalog concentrating on Sci-Fi/Fantasy, as a fundamentally virtual company that no longer molded, boxed or shipped product.

Everything would be browse-able, but actual product would be behind a paywall. Based on the folks I've seen in the aisles at the LHS' near me, they would have no issues stepping up for the computers and printers that would give limitless alternatives... perhaps even allowing sharing of mods among an entire community of modelers.

Starting with a guaranteed winning hand in sci-fi could prove out the business model (see what I did there?) that would be expanded across other subjects.

Remember: you read it here first!

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