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No, it was saliva. But only when swallowed in small amounts over an extended period of time *NM*
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I read an article last year saying drinking warm water increases your chance of getting cancer so ??? *NM*
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2K paints - Trophy in a Can" or a very big risk for the non-professional painter?
" It was then noted that Steve-O applied the paint in a professional body shop setting ", no, that's wrong. I said he ran bodyshops for the better part of 2 decades. He no longer works at one and hasn't for over a year. I don't know what kind of setup Steve has as I , ,
BTW, this kind of stuff is why I usually don't say what I paint with in my posts or usually don't get involved in "paint" threads. , , Wish I hadn't gotten involved in this one.. *NM*
The original thread didn’t have the tone of being argumentative (to me, at least). It's pretty straightforward: if you use this stuff, have (and use) the right equipment. Not worth damaging your health over a paint job! *NM*
Heaven forbid you mention using Dot 3 to strip paint. *NM*
I quit using that early on...a number of other things do the job better, faster, cheaper, with no damage to the plastic *NM*
Like Easy Off oven cleaner or Purple Power degreaser? Had only good results with Dot-3 even on old Johan plastic. I’ve had nasty glue bombs with layers of paint and they came out beautifully after several days in Dot-3. If something works much better, I’d love to try *NM*
For a while, I used Dawn Power Dissolver, but they stopped making it (the name is now used on another product). Back to the "purple" stuff, which has worked well for me *NM*
Sorry to be the bad example folks. For fun I looked up the MSDS for a bunch of model building chemicals and I have sad news. We're all at risk for many different things. Proper safety gear will help avoid the dangers. Model on! *NM*
I read an article last year saying drinking warm water increases your chance of getting cancer so ??? *NM*
No, it was saliva. But only when swallowed in small amounts over an extended period of time *NM*
;-) *NM*
Everything causes cancer, it seems. *NM*
I agree with Tim. I've not used 2K paints for this reason - I don't have the right equipment. And even tho my cat is not in the room when I paint, I don't want him breathing the stuff. I've seen videos of guys using 2K barehanded indoors - seems like a very bad idea. *NM*
Not trying to create controversy. We're all adults here and we can make our own decisions. Just want to make sure everyone is aware of the specific risks before they use 2K paints...TB *NM*
Thank you for the reminder - I may have been exposed at a point in the past
Thanks for that, Tim. I’ll admit that I was one of the dummies thinking to myself that I should check out that paint when the pics were posted, and why not - it’s a beautiful thing. The subsequent conversation was a reminder to be more careful.
What's in 1K Clear? It obviously doesn't have the catalyst in it like the 2K. I've not tried the 2K but I've been pretty pleased with the Duplicolor 1K. *NM*
2X - it laid down beautifully over some well aged lacquer