Spotlight Hobbies

Very good article and some insight into the Millennial point of view

I hadn’t thought about it too much, as I’ve always thought that the goal of life is to spend as much quality time doing things you love in a never ending quest to achieve inner peace and happiness. Careers, while they can offer some degree of fulfillment, are really just jobs that you have to do to pay the bills and provide for the necessities of life (which includes your family of course), and hopefully leave some time and money to pursue a passion, like building models or whatever makes you truly happy.

It seems like the younger generations have lost a sense of the value of such leisure activities and feel that every moment of their lives has to pay off financially or it’s a waste of time, or in other words, they don’t allow themselves any down time… just produce, produce, produce. The online competition hits a note as I feel we’ve all probably fell victim to that at one time or another, though I think it’s not as serious for those of us who have the perspective of growing up without the internet.

Lots more that could be said, but we can probably condense it down to making sure to make time to stop and smell the roses. Don’t worry about how you stack up against others, just find your own groove and above all else, enjoy the journey.

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