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Interesting description of that hobby. Love it! *NM*
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My sister-in-law is always making snide remarks about my "childish hobby"... Meanwhile my brother wastes many hours(and many dollars) hitting a little ball around a pasture with sticks and, in the end, has nothing to show for the effort... Yeah that's much more mature. *NM*
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Interesting article from the British online Telegraph about "Pointless Hobbies" *LINK*
Very interesting....I feel better about what I do, even though I am not a very good model builder. But I whole-heartedly disagree with the term "Pointless Hobbies"! *NM*
My sister-in-law is always making snide remarks about my "childish hobby"... Meanwhile my brother wastes many hours(and many dollars) hitting a little ball around a pasture with sticks and, in the end, has nothing to show for the effort... Yeah that's much more mature. *NM*
Interesting description of that hobby. Love it! *NM*
I had a woman friend that said same thing about my model building/hobby. Yet, she could spend hours playing Candy Crush on her phone. Eventually, I ditched her like a bad habit and I’ve never been more happy. *NM*
Very good article and some insight into the Millennial point of view
It should be noted that the Maker Movment and crafting are popular with Millennials and Gen Z. *NM*
That's good to hear. Going by the author's point of view, one would think the "side hustle" is the preferred 'hobby' of the generation. *NM*
Sci-Fi has no issues with age in the hobby... it's really the subject matter after all
I don't knock anyone's hobbies, unless it's illegal or harmful to others, Do what ya want.
The article mentions the "doom and gloom" of the past year, that the model railway hobby (in the UK) was dying...
I had to laugh, the article refers to the son thinking his regular outings to the "Train Club" was a cover for bigamy... If he has a railroad layout in his shed he has absolutely no money for a second woman in his live... LOL *NM*
Unless you’re Rod Stewart. I know he’s into trains, but the think the second, 3,4,5+ woman thing is probably long past. *NM*