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Re: great looking *NM*
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Last evening Frank sent me pics of his latest completed project.... I have to admit that I find it just WAY too cool!!!! *PICS*
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Last evening Frank sent me pics of his latest completed project.... I have to admit that I find it just WAY too cool!!!! *PICS*
Holy Kow! That is pretty Kool! *NM*
Very cool! *NM*
That is sweet!! *NM*
That's awesome! *NM*
Re: great looking *NM*
Wow! Great job. Looks like it might be horrendously fast. *NM*
I agree with all the responses! *NM*
Way cool!! Great job Frank! *NM*
Kool Nash Frank! *NM*
Kenosha would be proud. *NM*
Yup, another very cool Frank build, hey is that a mini-Frank driver figure, LOL *NM*
No he's taller *NM*
Ha ha, good one Frank! *NM*
One sharp looking AMX, Frank. *NM*
WOW!! How great is that!! *NM*
Y'know.... Frank's AMX has got me thinking that I need to dig out this this long abandoned project (from 2010) and give it a second look...... *NM* *PIC*
I don't remember that... but I'm thinking I should get the gauntlet out of the closet and throw it down. *NM*
The concept's already ironed out, go for it! *NM*