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Great to see that Cougar again, the gold looks good on it *NM*
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Here's some (mostly) resin stuff to look at. *PICS*
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Quiet here. Everybody must be playing outside. :O)) *NM*
Here's some (mostly) resin stuff to look at. *PICS*
Great to see that Cougar again, the gold looks good on it *NM*
Outside? Nah! 90 deg and high humidity here near the Atlantic Ocean. *NM*
I like them all, but really liking the Offy sprinter! Is it resin? *NM*
Etzel Speed Classics. *NM*
Fun stuff! That Cougar looks great in gold! *NM*
You always have interesting stuff. *NM*
I was outside a few hours ago. It was HOT. Now it's 9:00 at night and it's 80°with 85% humidity. The heat and humidity is just terrible. This is pretty unusual for Northwester Connecticut. *NM*
Here in Clearwater it's 81 degrees and 90 % humidity. *NM*
I hope you have A/C! It's 70° in here. *NM*
Humidity? What's that?? (It was 7% over the weekend here. Now it's about 18%.) *NM*
OOOOO! Makes for very high fire danger! *NM*
Yes, the sprinter is a good one. *NM*