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I'm not into 1/64, but that's pretty cool. Could you imagine how huge that would be for 1/24!? 🤯 *NM*
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The mouse pad.... *PIC*
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The mouse pad.... *PIC*
Terry, thats neat .......what do the yellow "X" mean? this something that you had made or is it available? *NM*
Believe it means "not a parking space". How it got there I don't know. 8^)) *NM*
Charlie's right. It means no parking. And no, I bought this on Amazon. *NM*
I'm not into 1/64, but that's pretty cool. Could you imagine how huge that would be for 1/24!? 🤯 *NM*
That’s pretty neat! I have been looking at 1/64 lately…