Spotlight Hobbies

Yes, thank you for sussing that out. I had just looked at several Moby Nova builds...and didn't say the year

But I would also extend the conversation to the AMT '63 Craftsman Stawag and '66 Pro Street/Street machine, which would also be good candidates. There seems to be a variety of styles out there in 1:1 world.

A squillion years ago, a local business in the Troy, MI area had a straight-axle, notch sedan, radiused wheelwell Nova roller in their side lot.

Think it may have even had front 12-spokes, but never took a pic. Looked rough as jail, but, hey, still a worthy project for someone.

There was another company not far that had a '62 Ranchero gasser in a sad state parked in their loading dock well. Also a straight axle, no apparent powertrain, bed filled with rusting bits of a Cleveland of some type, requisite hole in floor for a stick. I would see it and think to myself, "hey, I need pictures of this to build one in scale..." and promptly forget.

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