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That goes for me too! *NM*
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I know I'd buy at least two. *NM*
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Even though the recent MPC Dodge Demon is fairly fresh. What would you say to Round2 bringing out an iteration of this Super Stock that never came to be built? The owner has documents of this car which is how it became built some 40 years later. Whadya think? *PICS* *LINK*
I'm looking for honest opinions. *NM*
I know I'd buy at least two. *NM*
That goes for me too! *NM*
I say "no." Instead, one might try to interest aftermarket folks to produce the parts and decals. *NM*
I'd love it but wouldn't hold my breath *NM*
The pictures don't show for me in the post now. Do they show for anyone else? *NM*
Mike I sent Marty a picture of my attempting to start and of the decals... Southern Motorsport started doing the decals a few months back. Can you believe it that I can't keep up. *NM*
To be perfectly honest, my guess would be that they would do better sales with a ‘72 Mr. Norm’s supercharged variant, and then maybe a Pro Stock kit based one one of the several that raced back when they were new. *NM*
Pics not showing. Link to Mr. Norms works. *NM*