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Tamiya sells empty jars. I keep lacquer thinner in mine, doesn't evaporate. *NM*
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I keep lacquer thinner on my bench in a small jar that pimentos came in, but it evaporates thru the seal. What sort of container do you use? *NM*
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I keep lacquer thinner on my bench in a small jar that pimentos came in, but it evaporates thru the seal. What sort of container do you use? *NM*
I use a spice jar with a metal lid and never noticed any evaporation. *NM*
I acutally use an old Testors air brush thinner bottle for the past 20 years. Still seals to this day. *NM*
I use an old Tamiya paint jar (one of the large old ones). *NM*
I'm guessing the rubber seal on anything made for food storage won't hold up to the solvents. I like the small airbrush bottles with soft plastic (polyurethane?) gaskets or even cork gaskets. But lacquer thinner is so volatile, it'll find its way out eventually anyway. *NM*
I keep my paint thinner/mineral spirits in a small mayo jar. *NM*
Tamiya sells empty jars. I keep lacquer thinner in mine, doesn't evaporate. *NM*