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yeah...that's him! I knew they were doing bodies. Just wasn't sure about wheels and tires. Thanks! *NM*
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Mike’s decals bought Big D Resins . Looks like they are offering an assortment of their tires, wheels, and bodies *NM*
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There's a Saturday Night Short Track Group Build going on YouTube. I'm not participating in it, but it's inspiring me to build something along with them. I've chosen the
Actually, I believe those old modifieds could be dirt or asphalt. Wasn't much difference in many regions of the country. They used to give you somewhat "treaded" tires in those kits. Not exactly correct for either track type. I think a visit to the aftermarket might be in
Used to be able to get those wheels and tires from Big Donkey Resin. I forget who bought his business...but am not sure that person is doing the wheels and tires. *NM*
Mike’s decals bought Big D Resins . Looks like they are offering an assortment of their tires, wheels, and bodies *NM*
yeah...that's him! I knew they were doing bodies. Just wasn't sure about wheels and tires. Thanks! *NM*
W-1 or W-2 wheels from Mike's Decals would work, Mike L. D-1 tire for RR, D-2 tire for LR and RF, D-10 tire for LF. In any event, LF would always be the smallest tire, RR always the biggest tire. *NM*