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Cool Andy! 😀 *NM*
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Hey Bruce, that was just down the road from me..well, 400kms down the caught 6 trains a day for 11yrs to get to & from work so am allergic to trains but I could enjoy watching steam trains race...thanks, might checkout this yrs *NM*
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The Great Train Race - Steamfest 2023 - What are the odds of 4 steam trains together at the same time?
Four?? In WVwr do 6 at a time!!!!
Hey Bruce, that was just down the road from me..well, 400kms down the caught 6 trains a day for 11yrs to get to & from work so am allergic to trains but I could enjoy watching steam trains race...thanks, might checkout this yrs *NM*
Cool Andy! 😀 *NM*