Spotlight Hobbies

The Victoria Day Speedfest was very exciting... *LINK*

From open wheel 1600s to Radical to Sports and ending with Nascar Canada, the weekend was filled with great racing, perfect weather, tons and tons of people and great racing. Yes, I took one or two (thousand) photographs, so follow the link and enjoy :)


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Mustang GT4...

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My weekend demo...until the alarm went off and woke me from my dream...

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Radio check with the driver and spotter...

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Green flag...

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2nd green flag...after a can't hear the sounds here but trust me, it was LOUD... :)

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My media credential gets me pretty close to the track, with just a small cement wall between us...constantly cleaning the lens...

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This is Corner 10, the last turn before the start/finish line and it is always exciting...

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Just a little smoky and dusty...

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Checkered Flag...and only a few feet from 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - time to blink or breathe or sneeze...just push the shutter button...

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Lots more action photographs at the link. What? You have never been to a race? Oh, you have to go. At least once! The sounds! The smells! the excitement! The people! Put a race on your bucket list and go while you are able to fully enjoy it!

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