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I picked up 86 in Michigan last week...they have 3 different covers available...
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My world will pause when #86 appears in my mailbox... Lifetime subscriber... Got a confirmation email that it IS coming... *NM*
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Just paged through my TRJ issue #86 - really good stuff as always
Re: When did you receive it...still waiting *NM*
Bought at Pasteiner's in Birmingham, MI. The UPS man had just dropped it off *NM*
I just received issue 84. I ordered it 4 years ago...
What’s trj? *NM*
The Rodder's Journal magazine. *NM*
I rec'd 83-85 about when many else did, but have not seen #86 yet, so I bought a newsstand copy at Pasteiners this past Tuesday, especially to read the Pat Ganahl tribute...TB *NM*
Still waiting for #83. I received #84 and #85. #86 hasn't arrived yet. *NM*
That's the last issue that I have. Not holding my breath for any more. *NM*
But 3 covers??...just 1 with the ability for the magazine to be purchased would make more sense to me....but what would I know, I build plastic models & have driven a hotrodded 1940 Dodge since *NM*
It started out as two covers; one for bookstore copies, one for subscriber copies. That got muddled up along the way *NM*
Got every issue up to incl # 85, here in Oz was thru the local distributors, Graffiti Publications but they went kapput, hopeful of getting TRJ again but not sure. *NM*
My world will pause when #86 appears in my mailbox... Lifetime subscriber... Got a confirmation email that it IS coming... *NM*
I picked up 86 in Michigan last week...they have 3 different covers available...
This is what frustrates me re TRJ,time & $$ spent doing 3 covers yet from my perspective that time & $$ would have been better spent ensuring that even 1 cover & magazine enclosed is available for all who want it,I've rung from Oz with my Credit Card but "mailbox is full". *NM*
I'm a subscriber and the last issue I got was #83, I did not recieve #84 nor #85 and I will not hold my breath until #86 arrives...if it ever will. *NM*