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It had a (then) very modern tire, but not with flamed tread *NM*
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BTW, thank you for the reply. *NM*
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I see that AMT-1444 1/25 1960 Chevy Apache Pickup Street Machine is coming out. Is that a long bed or short bed? Also, has the '60 Chevy pickup been released as a street machine before? *NM*
Both stock and street machine are the short box. The street machine was tooled along with the stock version, and has been out a couple of times over the years *NM*
Did the kit ever come with tires that had flames for a tread pattern? *NM*
The only kit I know of with flame treaded tires was in the Revell Sidewinder Pickup. (?) *NM*
Yes it did. *NM*
Ary you sure Steve? I know the wheels had a flame design but I don't remember the tire tread matching and it dosen't show it on the instruction sheet. , But the one you had was the only time I'd ever seen the kit in person. , One of the AMT snap hotrod kits did have them. *NM*
BTW, thank you for the reply. *NM*
It had a (then) very modern tire, but not with flamed tread *NM*
This is what the truck came with. *PIC*