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Re: (PICS) For 3,9... It seems that I do, after all, have a 1939 model. Raymond emailed me to remind me that these trucks were introduced in '39
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(PICS) For 3,9... It seems that I do, after all, have a 1939 model. Raymond emailed me to remind me that these trucks were introduced in '39
Very neat build Cliff! I wanted to pop in and let you know that I just sent you an e-mail. (Ed)
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(PICS) For 3,9... It seems that I do, after all, have a 1939 model. Raymond emailed me to remind me that these trucks were introduced in '39
Very Nice *NM*
Beautiful build, wow, I love that one! *NM*
I have that kit but will after to build it as damaged working truck!😁 *NM*
DANG MAN! Just dang. *NM*
Fantastic build. Meticulously done. *NM*
Beautiful build Cliff, Emar did 4 versions, but I think that there was only the one issue of these kits, they were well detailed & sold out quickly. *NM*
Re: (PICS) For 3,9... It seems that I do, after all, have a 1939 model. Raymond emailed me to remind me that these trucks were introduced in '39