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That's what I'm talking about. *NM*
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Straight Line Saturday....
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Straight Line Saturday....
CD, great pics...esp. like the Pete Robinson, Tommy Ivo & Wild Willie............thanks. *NM*
That's what I'm talking about. *NM*
The pic of the "Aggravation" competition coupe is cool on so many levels. *NM*
Wow! Great set of pics! The pickup dragster hauler looks like a good model project. Have to wonder what it would have been like driving to the track on a windy day... *PIC*
Hmmm... now I'm wondering what might be in that AMC trailer in the background of the TV Tommy Ivo shot. *NM*
Would have been either Wally Booth or Maskin & Kanners...only two drag racers AMC was backing by then *NM*
Typical Fuel Altered out of control. LOL *NM*
An accurate Pete Robinson cammer Top Fuel model would be a dream come true! *NM*
Well at least the pruned blower is in the OGM 33 Willys kit....but yeh I'd be up for a nice early 70's FED. *NM*
Don't build many rails, but I sure do love these PIX. Thanks, CD. *NM*